Tuesday 23 June 2009

The Pacific Celebes is now well on its way across the Atlantic and is about 10 days away from Camden. Chief Engineer Liang Chuan has just sent this picture of the current sampling team
From left to right
E/cadet -- Xie Yao Yun
C/E -- Liang Chuan
2/E -- Fan Yue Jun
5/E -- Guo Hong Sheng

Friday 12 June 2009

Sailing on its new route the MV Pacific Celebes has just rounded the Cape of Good Hope for the first time. She should have passed with in sight of Cape Town and Table Mountain yesterday.

Data from the Indian Ocean show in water pCO2 levels about 20 mico-atmospheres lower than expected from the predictions of the Taro Takahashi’s global atlas of surface pCO2 values (Takahashi et al., Deep Sea Research II; doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.12.009).

Position of MV Pacific Celebes Updated at 06:50UTC On 12 Jun 2009 (Day 163).

Monday 1 June 2009

We are very pleased to say that the Swire Educational Trust has agreed to support a PhD student to work with the SNOMS project. The student will come from the University of Xiamen in China and be based for his degree at the University of Southampton. He will be co-supervised by David Hydes and Toby Tyrrell (at NOC) and by Minhan Dai (MEL, Xiamen).

The student Zongpei Jiang is currently writing his MSc thesis in Xiamen and will start his studies in Southampton in October.

Image: SNOMS student Zongpei Jiang at work in the University of Xiamen