Monday 31 October 2011

Scenes from work in Vancouver October 2011

Jon and Zongpei serviced the SNOMS system during a busy day on 28 October.  The ProCO2 units had to be checked after removal from the tank and before being put into the tank shown in the picture below.

The friendly crew on the Pacific Celebes have always been a great asset to the SNOMS project.
The samples they have collected need to be checked and prepared for sending back to the UK for analysis.

Thursday 27 October 2011

Zongpei to visit NOAA PMEL in Seattle

Zongpei will be presenting his work with ships of opportunity at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco in December. He will then visit Richard Feely at NOAA to work on comparison of the SNOMS data with that collected by NOAA along a very similar route since 2004. The NOAA data are collected less frequently After a gap of two years NOAA started work again using the
Hamburg Sud Natalie Schulte in
September 2010. One target of work in the Pacific is to use the ship of opportunity data in providing regularly updated basin wide estimates of CO2 fluxes.

Zongpei Jiang is a PhD student at NOC-University of Southampton. He is funded by the Swire Educational Trust (2009 to 2013) and supervised by David Hydes and Toby Tyrrell at NOC and by Minhan Dai at the University of Xiamen.

Work with the east coast as well

David Hydes is currently passing on the knowledge gained using the SNOMS flow through tank to Doug Wallace at the University of Dalhousie and Cyril Dempsey of Satlantic. Dalhousie and Satlantic are based in Halifax, Nova Scotia along with Bruce Johnson's company ProOceanus who make the CO2Pro and GTD units used in the SNOMS system.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Vancouver work and visit to IOS

Tomorrow Jon Campbell and Zongpei Jiang fly out to Vancouver to service the system on the Pacific Celebes. After working on the ship Zongpei will then visit Jim Christian at the Institute of Ocean Science on Vancouver Island. They will start work on comparison of the SNOMS data with IOS data sets.

Monday 24 October 2011

Input to Australian Data Sets

Plans are now underway for transfer of the sea surface temperature data from the Pacific Celebes in the Australian Weather Bureau's system
This will be working with Helen Beggs group in Melbourne. They will automatically capture the data every six hours when it is sent from the ship.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

October 2011

Boris has now moved the Australian Weather Bureau in Melbourne, Australia. This has lead to discussions with Ann Thresher at CSIRO about using the Celebes as a platform for launching XBTs. The data that these would provide on the underlying water structure would be very valuable to us.