Thursday 27 October 2011

Zongpei to visit NOAA PMEL in Seattle

Zongpei will be presenting his work with ships of opportunity at the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco in December. He will then visit Richard Feely at NOAA to work on comparison of the SNOMS data with that collected by NOAA along a very similar route since 2004. The NOAA data are collected less frequently After a gap of two years NOAA started work again using the
Hamburg Sud Natalie Schulte in
September 2010. One target of work in the Pacific is to use the ship of opportunity data in providing regularly updated basin wide estimates of CO2 fluxes.

Zongpei Jiang is a PhD student at NOC-University of Southampton. He is funded by the Swire Educational Trust (2009 to 2013) and supervised by David Hydes and Toby Tyrrell at NOC and by Minhan Dai at the University of Xiamen.